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胡雷 博士

2022年03月03日 14:38  点击:[]

    胡雷1985年生,现任教于威斯尼斯人wns2299cn,讲师。2009年毕业于新疆石河子大学,获理学学士学位; 2014年毕业于中国科学院大学材料物理与化学专业,获工学硕士学位; 2018年毕业于吉林大学理论化学研究所,获理学博士学位。博士由吉林大学与中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院应用物理研究中心(原太赫兹技术研究中心)联合培养;2020年于电子科技大学访问学习。

    研究方向主要有:(1) 半导体载流子迁移率,二位场效应管理论模拟;(2) 二维光电材料力学、线性与非线性光学性质; (3)三维材料太赫兹波普与光学差频性质; (4) 光催化产生氢能源的多功能光电材料; (5)机器学习。

    发表学术论文20余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文10余篇。受邀担任Frontiers of Physics 客座编辑,佳木斯大学学报评审专家;被邀请为Chem. Phys. Let., Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, RSC Advances, New Journal of Physics, 2D Materials, Plos OneNanotechnology等杂志审稿人。主持重庆市科委项目1项,重庆市教委项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。


10 of our Published Papers

1. Wenyuan Li, Xiaojun Yan, Xing Zou, Lili Liu, Shifa Wang, Yong Wei, Xinyi Yang, Lei Hu*, Yuming Feng*, Wencai Yi*, α-In2O3 monolayer: A promising material as field-effect phototransistor and out-of-plane piezoelectric device. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 614, 156198 [SCI一区,通讯作者].

2. Li-Li Liu*, Lin-Lin Shen, Xiao-Jun Yan, Wen-Yuan Li, Guo-Ting Nan, Shi-Fa Wang, Yong Wei, Chunming Yang, Lei Hu*, Single-layer and bilayer MoSTe for photocatalytic water splitting: Role of optical absorption correction and band edge distribution, Results in Physics, 2022, 42, 106033 [SCI二区,通讯作者].

3. Xiao-Jun Yan, Wen-Yuan Li, Guo-Ting Nan, Xing Zou, Li-Li Liu, Anrong Wang, Shi-Fa Wang, Yong Wei, Chun-Ming Yang and Lei Hu*, Comparative study of Janus B2XY (X, Y = S, Se, Te) and F-BNBN-H monolayers for water splitting: revealing the positive and negative roles of the intrinsic dipole, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24(35), 20980-20987 [SCI二区,通讯作者].

4. Xiao-Jun Yan, Wen-Yuan Li, Xing Zou, Li-li Liu, Shi-Fa Wang, Yong Wei, Chun-Ming Yang, Yi-Feng Sun, Lei Hu*, Janus B2XY (X, Y = S, Se, Te) monolayers as piezoelectric Materials: A First-Principle study, Janus B2XY (X, Y= S, Se, Te) monolayers as piezoelectric Materials: A First-Principle study, Chemical Physics Letters, 2022, 806, 140007 [SCI三区,通讯作者].

5. Xiangkai Deng, Wei Zhang, Xiaojie Zhou, Zitao Wang, Jiangting Tang, Lei Hu*, Yuming Feng*, Kai Wu, Chunming Yang, InSe based Janus Ⅵ-Ⅲ-Ⅳ-Ⅴ monolayers as water-splitting photocatalysts: Role of vacuum level difference, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(71), 35271-35279 [SCI二区,[通讯作者].

6. Lei Hu, Dongshan Wei, Janus group-III chalcogenide monolayers and derivative type-II heterojunctions as water-splitting photocatalysts with strong visible-light absorbance, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(49), 27795-27802 [SCI二区,第一作者, cited by 63 times].

7. Lei Hu, Xuri Huang*, Peculiar electronic, strong in-plane and out-of-plane second harmonic generation and piezoelectric properties of atom-thick α-M2X3 (M= Ga, In; X= S, Se): role of spontaneous electric dipole orientations, RSC advances, 2017, 7(87), 55034-55043 [SCI三区,第一作者, cited by 59 times].

8. Lei Hu, Dongshan Wei*, Xuri Huang*, Second harmonic generation property of monolayer TMDCs and its potential application in producing terahertz radiation, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2017, 147(24), 244701 [SCI二区,第一作者, cited by 22 times].

9. Lei Hu, Dongshan Wei*, Xuri Huang*, Layer-independent and layer-dependent nonlinear optical properties of two-dimensional GaX (X= S, Se, Te) nanosheets, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(18), 11131-11141 [SCI二区,第一作者, cited by 36 times].

10. Yaoyao Hu, Tingzhen Li, Lili Liu, Yao Tan, Lei Hu*, Kai Wu, Chumming Yang, Janus XM-GaS (M= Si, Ge, Sn; X= N, P) monolayers: Multifunctional properties for photocatalysis, piezoelectricity and second harmonic generation, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2020, 594, 412366 [SCI三区,通讯作者, cited by 10 times].

联系方式:huleisanxu@163.com; 15143052610



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